Quiclean Feminine Clean (Internal use)
Product Description
99.98% Nanostructured water with no preservatives
Clean menstruate period after it endsWash after sexual intercourse
Give refresh and smooth feeling
Relieve minor vaginal irritation or itching
Clean mucosa
Balance PH to give back natural defense inside vaginal area
Model No.768 200ml,
Active Ingredient: 0.02% Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL)
Put 50 ml into spray bottle then tight the spray head. Insert nozzle slowly into vagina then squeeze the bottle. Keep the water inside for one minute then let them flow out freely. Wash the sprayer with clean water then soak it with the product that left over in the bottle or put some new one for few minutes for next usage. Warnings: Product does not prevent pregnancy or STD. Do not get into eyes. Don~{!/~}t use, if allergy to Hypochlorous Acid. Federal law prohibited using this product in a manner inconsistent with this label. Consult with Doctor if symptoms get worse and persist. Made in USA, US patent pending.
Quiclean™ Feminine Clean (Internal use)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
From Tracee Cornforth,Your Guide to Women's Health.
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About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by Meredith Shur, M.D.
8 Myths vs Facts
How much do you know about sexually transmitted diseases or STDs? Chances are that as informed as you may think you are about STDs, misinformation about some of the facts about sexually transmitted diseases is abundant. Learn about some of the most common misconceptions about STDs, as well as the truth before you suffer the potential long-term effects. These effects include damage to your reproductive system, as well as the possibility of losing your life.
1. Myth: ~{!0~}I haven~{!/~}t been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases because we haven~{!/~}t gone all the way. We usually only kiss and touch each other – well we did have oral sex, but only once.~{!1~} Fact: There are three ways to transmit sexually transmitted diseases. These ways are vaginal or anal intercourse and oral sex. Sponsored Links STD SymptomsFind STD Testing & Information STD, HIV Symptoms & Testingstd-symptoms-inc.com Stds PicturesYour Guide To Herpes Relief Here. Get Help Today- Stds Pictureswww.MyHerpes.org Do I Have STDs?Research causes, symptoms, and treatments of STDs.www.healthline.com Don~{!/~}t deceive yourself just because you~{!/~}ve only had one or a few sexual experiences. Being sexually active even once puts you at risk for both STDs and unplanned pregnancy. See: How to Protect Myself and Others From STDs
2. Myth: ~{!0~}I~{!/~}m protected from sexually transmitted diseases because I take The Pill.~{!1~} Fact: This myth about sexually transmitted diseases is probably one of the most common and dangerous misconceptions about STDs. While taking The Pill decreases your risk of unplanned pregnancy drastically, when taken as directed, oral contraceptives and other birth control methods never offer protection from sexually transmitted diseases. Tip: Even if you are taking The Pill or using another contraceptive method, you need to know that your risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases can only be reduced through consistent and proper use of either male or female condoms, never both types, during every sexual encounter. See: Do Birth Control Pills or Other Contraceptives Protect Me From STDs?
3. Myth: ~{!0~}My boyfriend has herpes but we never have sex when he has outbreaks of herpes and sores or blisters are visible. We are always careful, so I~{!/~}m sure I won~{!/~}t get infected with the herpes virus.~{!1~} Fact: Just because visible signs of genital herpes aren~{!/~}t clearly present when you engage in sex with someone infected with herpes doesn~{!/~}t mean the virus is not present and in the earliest stage of herpes outbreak. In fact, genital herpes is transmittable for several days prior to the appearance of herpes sores or blisters. While using condoms does offer almost certain protection against most STDs, the herpes virus is often present on areas of the male or female genitalia not covered by a condom, which increases your risk of getting genital herpes through skin-to-skin contact. If your partner has a history of herpes outbreaks, take care of yourself and be sure your partner is seeing a physician regularly and taking any prescribed medications. Also, make sure that (s)he learns to become more aware of their body and the symptoms that often occur at the onset of each herpes outbreak. See: What You Need to Know About Genital Herpes
4. Myth: ~{!0~}I had a sexually transmitted disease and took most of the medicine the doctor gave me, so I didn~{!/~}t go back for my follow up appointment because my prescription got rid of the STD.~{!1~} Fact: The number one rule for anyone diagnosed with any type of sexually transmitted disease is to take all your medication as prescribed, as well as to follow all other instructions (including follow up appointments) as directed by your health care professional. Not finishing all of your medication, exactly as prescribed, may result in the STD still being present -- regardless of whether or not you have any signs or symptoms. The only way to know if the sexually transmitted disease is no longer present is to follow-up with your doctor for retesting and examination. Previously diagnosed STD patients should also be sure to always use condoms to protect themselves from, potentially fatal, sexually transmitted diseases. See: How A Condom Could Save Your Life
5. Myth: ~{!0~}I don~{!/~}t have any of the signs or symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, so I can~{!/~}t be infected.~{!1~} Fact: It isn~{!/~}t uncommon for women, in particular, to have a STD without experiencing any of the common signs or symptoms. The symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are often confused with other conditions, which results in a misdiagnosis, and delay in proper treatment. See: What Are the Symptoms of STDs?
6. Myth: ~{!0~}I have a vaginal discharge and am a little itchy. I don~{!/~}t need to see a doctor when I can just buy one of those vaginal yeast infections that are sold at my pharmacy or grocery store.~{!1~} Fact: Not all vaginal infections are vaginal yeast infections. You should never buy a product for self-treating a vaginal yeast infection, unless a doctor has previously diagnosed yeast infection, and you~{!/~}re confident that this is the exact same infection. Although, you may think that vaginal yeast infections are the most common cause of vaginal discharge, many STDs cause discharges, and actually the most common cause of vaginal discharge is actually bacterial vaginosis. Sponsored Links Stds PicturesYour Guide To Herpes Relief Here. Get Help Today- Stds Pictureswww.MyHerpes.org STD SymptomsFind STD Testing & Information STD, HIV Symptoms & Testingstd-symptoms-inc.com Get STD Tested TodayConfidential, Professional $50-$400 ASCP, FDA, and CLIA Certified.www.SxCheck.com
See: 12 Ways to Prevent Abnormal Vaginal Discharge and Vaginal Infections
7. Myth: ~{!0~}I think I might have some type of sexually transmitted disease. But I~{!/~}m not too worried, after all I just need to get a prescription and it will be gone.~{!1~} Fact: This casual attitude toward sexually transmitted diseases is likely one reason that the rate of STDs continues to increase. Simply taking a pill won~{!/~}t cure all types of STDs. A virus is the cause of several sexually transmitted diseases. Antibiotic treatments only cure STDs caused by bacteria. Viral STDs are lifelong diseases that you must constantly remain aware of their continual presence. Sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses include HIV, the virus that causes AIDS; the human pappilloma virus or HPV, genital herpes; cytomegalovirus a virus often called CMV; and . See: The Consequences of STDs
8. Myth: ~{!0~}I~{!/~}ve only been sexually active with one person, so I don~{!/~}t have to worry about STDs.~{!1~} Fact: That~{!/~}s great, but how many other people did your partner have sex with before you? Even if (s)he says you~{!/~}re their first, it~{!/~}s impossible to be sure that you~{!/~}re getting the full truth. Always worry about STDs. The only way to 100 percent protection from sexually transmitted diseases is sexual abstinence. Condoms provide a significant amount of protection against STDs, but things can sometimes go wrong and the possibility of getting or catching sexually transmitted diseases is always there. See: Making Safe Sexual Choices
The HPV, Cervical Cancer Connection Twenty-four million Americans may have the human papillomavirus (HPV) and yet more than 76% US women have never heard of this sexually transmitted virus which causes approximately 93% of all cervical cancers. Scientists have discovered over sixty types of the human papillomavirus virus. Visible genital warts occur in only about 1% of sexually active adults infected with the HPV virus while other types of HPV are subclinical infections. The types of HPVs that cause genital warts are not associated with increased cancer risks and are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35 have been linked to cervical cancer. These high-risk HPVs have also been linked to increased risk of cancers of the vulva, anus, and bladder. What are the Symptoms of HPV and Genital Warts? Often unless genital warts are located in a spot where you can see or feel them you may not know you are infected. Sponsored Links Cervical Cancer SymptomsFind Symptoms for Cervical Cancer Early Signs of Cervical Cancercervical-cancer-symptoms-inc.com Cancer TreatmentHitachi Proton Beam Therapy System Real Customer Testimonials & morewww.hitachi.com/truestories Natural HPV Remedy50% Off Homeopathic Home Remedies Fight HPV Effectively & Naturally.www.Biogetica.com/HPV Genital warts sometimes go undetected because they are inside the vagina, on the cervix, or in the anus. HPV is frequently difficult to detect because genital warts are often skin colored and painless and rarely cause symptoms. You should consult your physician anytime you notice unusual growths, bumps, or other skin anomalies, as well as if you experience itching, pain, or abnormal bleeding.
Diagnosing HPV...
Genital warts or HPV viruses are sometimes detected during your annual GYN examination, although the Pap smear is not a screening tool for HPV or any other STD or infection. Although most HPVs do not progress to cancer, it is especially important for women diagnosed with HPVs to have regular Pap smears. While the Pap smear is not designed to detect HPV (only abnormal cervical changes) abnormal changes may indicate HPV infection or another vaginal infection. Your physician will either order follow up screening procedure such as a colposcope or follow you closely to detect any further cervical changes when abnormal Pap results are obtained. If your Pap smear result indicates dysplasia--it's important to note that cervical dysplasia does not mean cervical cancer. However cervical dysplasia is thought to be a precursor condition for carcinoma in situ (CIS) (also not cancer but a severe form of dysplasia) and invasive cancer of the cervix. Many cases of dysplasia regress over time, and the factors that lead to progression to invasive cervical cancer remain unclear. In CIS, an outer layer of normal cells is replaced by cancer cells. CIS is about 95% treatable and curable. Invasive cancer of the cervix occurs when cancer cells have invaded the underlying tissues of the cervix. CIS occurs generally in women between 25 and 34 while invasive cancer of the cervix primarily occurs in women over the age of fifty. The prognosis for invasive cervical cancer is largely dependent on the extent of disease at the time of initial diagnosis. The current death rate for cervical cancer remains higher that it should be due to the approximately one-third of women who do not have regular annual Pap smears. An estimate 90% of cervical cancer deaths could be eliminated through earlier detection with the Pap smear. How is HPV Treated? Treating HPV is often difficult and frustrating for both the patient and physician. Treatment of visible genital warts for the average patient often requires a few treatments. These treatments are not cures--after treatment the virus may remain in nearby skin and lie dormant in nearby skin for months or even years before becoming visible again, and in some cases visible warts never return. According to the 1998 Guidelines for Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases published by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA, "In the absence of coexistent dysplasia, treatment is not recommended for subclinical genital HPV (without visible genital warts) diagnosed by Pap smear, colposcopy, biopsy, acetic acid soaking of genital skin or mucous membranes, or the detection of HPV (DNA or RNA). The diagnosis of subclinical genital HPV infection is often questionable, and no therapy has been identified to eradicate infection. HPV has been demonstrated in adjacent tissue after laser treatment of HPV-associated dysplasia and after attempts to eliminate subclinical HPV by extensive laser vaporization of the anogenital area. In the presence of coexistent dysplasia, management should be based on the grade of dysplasia."
The CDC recommends treatments of visible HPV genital warts that vary from patient-applied therapies such as podofilox and imiquimod to provider-administered therapies such as cryotherapy, podophyllin resin, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), bicholoracetic acid (BCA), interferon, and surgery.
What is chlamydia?
A bacterium called chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydia which is the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States today. Approximately four million new cases of this disease occur each year and up to forty percent of women infected with this disease may be unaware of its existence.
Why is chlamydia called a silent epidemic? Many times this STD causes no symptoms and it may linger months or years before being discovered unless screening tests are routinely performed by physicians. Recommendations for screening for this disease include bi-annual screening for all sexually active women under twenty-five, as well as for older women with multiple sex partners.
What are the symptoms of chlamydia? When symptoms do appear in women with this disease they may be mild and include a yellowish vaginal discharge; painful or frequent urination; burning or itching of the vaginal area; redness, swelling, or soreness of the vulva; painful sex; and abnormal bleeding. Men who are infected may notice a discharge from the penis or pain and burning during urination.
How is chlamydia diagnosed?
Diagnosis of chlamydia is made through self-observation, medical history, and physical examination which includes taking a sample of cervical tissue with a cotton swab and sending it to a laboratory for diagnosis. Researchers are working on the development of a urine test which will make screening for this disease more accessible. Sexual partners within the last sixty days must also be screened whenever chlamydia is diagnosed.
What is the treatment for chlamydia? Antibiotics are used to treat chlamydia. Sponsored Links Chlamydia TreatmentsTop 7 Sites For Chlamydia Treatment. Ranked and Ready.treatmentofchlamydia.com Chlamydia InfectionsFree Pictures & Information About Chlamydia Infections.www.healthline.com Chlamydia StdAnswers to all of your questions on Sexually
Transmitted Diseases.www.ivillage.com
According to the 1998 Guidelines for Sexually Transmitted Diseases from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the recommended treatment for chlamydia is either azithromycin 1 gram orally as a single dose or doxcycline 100 mg orally twice a day for seven days. Patients who require alternative treatments may be treated with erythoromycin base 500 mg orally four times a day for seven days, or erythoromycin ethylsuccinate 800 mg orally four times a day for seven days, or ofloxacin 300 mg orally twice a day for seven days.
It is vital that all medication be taken as prescribed in order to affect a cure from this disease. What are the possible consequences if chlamydia is left untreated? Infertility is the most common result of untreated chlamydia. Many women are diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) years after being infected with chlamydia. Pregnant women who are unaware of a chlamydial infection run the risk of infecting their infants during birth and are at increased risk for premature labor. Chlamydia in newborns can cause conjunctivitis (eye infection) and pneumonia. Because of this risk, screening for chlamydia is recommended for all pregnant women.
How can you prevent infection with chlamydia and other STDs?
As with all STDs, the best way to prevent them is by always using a condom unless in you are in a long-term monogamous relationship. Other suggestions for preventing vaginal infections include personal hygiene habits such as taking showers rather than baths, refraining from douching, and wearing panties with a cotton crotch. When should you see a physician? Anytime you notice any unusual gynecological symptoms you should see your physician. If you have symptoms that last for more than a week or unusual bleeding or swelling of the vaginal area, you should call your doctor for advice. What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? Pelvic inflammatory disease affects millions of women each year in the United States and is an infection of one or more pelvic organs, including the uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes. PID occurs when a bacteria or organism enters the cervix and spreads upward. Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease include: • lower abdominal pain, • fever up to 103 degrees, • rapid pulse, • chills, • back pain, • pain during sex, • vaginal discharge.
PID is a serious condition and requires immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing pelvic pain or symptoms you should see your gynecologist immediately. Sponsored Links
Stop Back Pain NOW Herniated Disc? Bulging Disc? Neck Pain? Treatment--No surgery!www.bayareabackpain.com Do I have PID? Free Pictures and Information on Signs & Symptoms of PID.www.healthline.com
Painful Intercourse? A one-week Pelvic Physical Therapy Program Could Eliminate Your Pain.www.ClearPassage.com Make a record of your pain and take it with you to your appointment. It will help your physician to know exactly when your pain occurs, where your pain is located, and the severity of your pain. If pelvic inflammatory disease is left untreated it can become life- threatening! Pelvic inflammatory disease is usually contracted through sexual contact. Untreated gonorrhea and chlamydia cause an estimated 90 percent of all cases of PID. However, it's sometimes caused by abortion, childbirth, or a pelvic procedure.
PID caused by childbirth: A personal story... I developed PID immediately following the birth of my second child, given up for adoption, in 1978. I woke up the fourth morning after his birth running a 103 degree temperature and experiencing severe abdominal pain. All I was told was it was an 'inflammation' of some kind. I spent the next several months, in and out of the hospital receiving large doses of intravenous antibiotics. In 1984, I went to my gynecologist complaining of severe chronic pelvic pain. He first treated me with anti- inflammatory medications and antibiotics to see if my symptoms would subside. Seeing no improvement, he scheduled me for a laparoscopy to determine the source of my pain. The laparoscopy revealed pelvic adhesions and the destruction of my fallopian tubes caused by PID. Pelvic adhesions covered my uterus and ovaries, as depicted in this photograph from Cornell University. I would not be able to conceive without major reconstructive surgery. Tuboplasty with laser lysis of adhesions was performed in 1985, and I gave birth to a son in 1987.
My pelvic pain improved dramatically following surgery, however, the adhesions returned and were removed again during a tubal ligation, which turned into major surgery in 1989. The adhesions prevented my surgeon from accessing my tubes through a laproscope. During an unsuccessful bladder suspension surgery, in 1992, my adhesions were removed once again. The adhesions have returned and I will undergo a complete hysterectomy and a second attempt at bladder suspension next year to permanently(I hope) relieve my chronic pelvic pain. What are current treatment and prevention recommendations? Pelvic inflammatory disease can today be diagnosed through a new procedure called, falloposcopy. Falloposcopy is a visual examination of the inside of the fallopian tubes; it's a simple procedure performed on an out- patient basis.
If PID is found and it hasn't progressed to a stage severe enough to require major reconstructive surgery to repair the fallopian tubes, antibiotic therapy may be tried. Floxin is now approved by the FDA as the first oral medication approved for independent use to treat pelvic inflammatory disease. Previous recommendations included the use of intravenous antibiotics which required hospitalization.
The cervix dilates slightly just before, during, and after your period; increasing your risk of pelvic inflammatory disease by making it easier for an organism or bacteria to enter the cervix and cause infection. Extra care should be taken at these times to prevent PID and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Douching significantly increases your risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease and other pelvic infections and is not recommended. Douching removes the natural, protective mucous from the cervix, giving bacteria a more receptive place to grow. You should use caution if you must douche and be aware of the risk. The best protection against PID and other STD's is to always use a condom , unless you are in a long- term monogamous relationship and both of you have been tested for HIV and other STDs. A few inconvenient moments before sexual intercourse can prevent a lifetime of pain and even an untimely death. So... don't forget the condom!